miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012
I love you baby/1.957/Paul Anka.
A mediados del siglo XX la mujer busca su independencia del hogar a través del trabajo renumerado y las posibilidades de las ciudades, menos estrictas en sus normas, y con más mujeres que hacen ver la sensación de grupo, y puedan empezar a igualarse con el sexo contrario. No deja de ser curioso aún hoy que una mujer vaya pilotando una motocicleta. Son aún pioneras en este mundo, como pioneros somos en el conocimiento del café racer ;-).
martes, 13 de marzo de 2012
lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012
Holidays in Motorcycle
If you want a print or poster sized copy of any of the pictures then see the link to the printing house that can do this and ships worldwide. I have been to see them and they are a well established local English company and they will be using high resolution versions of these pictures without the copyright wording to produce really stunning prints. They can even print onto canvas. If the picture you like is not yet available from them then please email me and I can add it. - paulg@go-faster.com
I have been advised by many people to make the images smaller or at a lower resolution to deter people from pinching them, but I think this will detract from honest peoples enjoyment of the pictures so have left it as is for now. I have also been told how to block everyone from downloading the images, but have not yet done this as if someone wants a favourite one for a personal screen saver then I don’t mind – perhaps if you do take an image for personal use then please do donate something via the button at the bottom of the page. One image alone has been downloaded over 100,000 times! I expect the garages of the world to be decorated with these pictures!
If you want to use an image in the public domain, on a web site or for any commercial purposes then please email me to ask. And now back to the Trip ....
4th January 2012 - Sadly I may have to remove this web page soon as despite paying more for hosting this web page, my hosting company are trying to bill me for a further £819 for the traffic that this page receives, even though they said they would not charge more. Avoid Verio as a hosting company!
If you have enjoyed these pictures and this page then please consider making a donation to keep it alive, see below.
Gracias a Gerard Rolland,socio de honor del AMCRE por haberla mostrado. Gracias Gonder.
domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012
Café Girls/ 288.638.
El nº de visualizaciones que lleva. Es un video que ha batido abrumadoramente los más de 150 videos realizados para el A.M.C.R.E., y más teniendo en cuenta que la música escogida no era (la original está en el blog, pero no pasó los derechos de autor en Youtube). En todo caso, hoy va dedicado no sólo a los visitantes y personas que han votado mayoritariamente "me gusta"; hoy va en especial a Eva, amiga en Facebook, por sus dos aportaciones (las que están arriba, sobre todo la portada) Gracias también a Luismi, socio del AMCRE, por sus aportaciones casi diarias.
Saludos en V, y como el video demuestra, cualquier trabajo puede ser un éxito inesperado.
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